And what did we do with the Hurricane BrassBand last summer?
The Hurricanes showed their ‘popy’ side at Brommelpop in Brommelen in July. Fantastic (private) and sold-out festival organised by Studio Brommelen / Open Podium of café ‘ut Brummelke’ in our own Limburg. Just click on this link from our Facebook page.
Furthermore, we performed our ‘brazzy’ and jazzy music on the streets of Bitburg (D) at the Sommer-Festival. This festival was organised by the Europäisisches Folklore-Festival. Great that we could play in Bitburg again!
In August, we blew a fresh hurricane through the De Beyart residential care centre in Maastricht. Here we livened up the mini-preuvenemint held there. It was a different crowd than at the ‘real’ Preuvenemint but judging by the comments afterwards, our music pleased the audience!
So the Hurricane Brass Band has not been idle this summer. Saturday October 12 during Jekerjazz, they will play again in downtown Maastricht. More news on that in the next post.